7 Movies That Won’t Keep Even The Craziest Men Dry

In today’s society, there are also men in contact with your emotions. If you are not yet, we will give you a hand. Here are seven movies that will make even the toughest of men cry. We’ll include where you can stream them at the time of writing.
We try to avoid the bigger clichés for a while. Think about Schindler’s Lists of this world With that violin music you even make it dumb and dumber a real tearjerker.
Movies that made the undersigned cry
These howl films are ideal for immersion. If you empathize a little, it will be difficult to reach the end of these films with dry eyes. Otherwise, the undersigned speaks for himself. If it’s not the compelling acting chops, then it’s the heartbreaking music. He picks up the box of tissues.
1. The Water Fortune Teller (2014) – Pathé Home
During a survey of Manners editors, not everyone came forward the water diviner Too bad, because the 2014 film starring Russell Crowe manages to play with your emotions in a refined way at any time.

Crowe plays Australian Joshua Connor, who travels to Turkey in 1919 to find his three sons who fought in the Battle of Gallipoli. When they were young, Connor taught them a safe word. This word, tango, offers a sense of security in an emergency. Arrives at Gallipoli tango back in a painful way.
2. Interstellar (2014) – Netflix
In Interstellar humanity has exhausted the earth. Matthew McConaughey stars as Cooper in search of a new planet for our species.

At first glance it seems Interstellar It’s not a movie that will bring tears to your cheeks. Still, she’s sobbing when Cooper, clearly moved, sees his daughter again after years. Combine that with director Christopher Nolan, who delivers the soulful music of Hans Zimmer in a perfectly timed moment.
3. Arrival (2016) – hbo max
Director Dennis Villeneuve tried with Arrival hit the viewers in the opening scene. A difficult task, but not impossible, since the animated film has Above tried. With the help of Max Richters heartbreaking On the nature of daylight Villeneuve got it.
4. Good Will Hunting (1997) – Pathé Thuis
The movie goodwill hunting it was written as a graduation production by Matt Damon, then 24 years old. Damon himself plays an incredibly intelligent young man who has had a difficult childhood. Instead of taking classes at a university, he works there as a janitor. There he establishes an almost paternal bond with a psychologist, played by Robin Williams. A confrontational conversation between the two strikes an emotional chord with viewers.

5. Leon (2016) – Netflix
Lion is a sleeper hit from 2016. The true story is about Saroo, a poor 5-year-old boy from India who loses his brother during a train trip in 1986. That train took him to Calcutta, hundreds of miles from his home. . Here he has to survive on the street. Traumatized, scared and alone, he ends up in an orphanage. Please also read the book. a long way homeWhat is the movie based on?

6. Hachi: A Dog’s Tale (2009) – Netflix
If pathetic people won’t do it for you, then maybe we should attack your whining glands with animals. No, it is not about the death of the Snuf dog, but about Hachi.

The movie is based on the true story of the Japanese dog Hachi. The four-legged friend is adopted by a teacher, who finds him on a train platform. They have a close bond until the professor suddenly dies. Hachi doesn’t seem to accept this and faithfully waits for his boss for years.
7. The Green Mile (1999) – Pathé Thuis
Are your eyes still dry after all this? It’s time to bring out the big guns. As a secret weapon for crying we have the classic The green Mile with Tom Hanks. He plays a prison guard. death row. Or as they call it in the movie: the green Mile. He must execute the wrongly convicted and kind giant John Coffey.
Not an easy task, especially when he begs in terror or doesn’t have to put the curtain over his head. “Please boss, don’t put that thing in my face. Don’t put me in the dark. I am afraid of the dark”. During this movie you will cry just as hard as the prison workers in the scene above.
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7 Movies That Won’t Keep Even The Craziest Men Dry