Beyoncé Dancing Horror Doll Acclaimed By The Movie Press: ‘Smart And Stupid’

A horror movie that not only scares the hell out of you but also trains your laughing muscles? It doesn’t happen often in movies in the horror genre, but critics love it. m3gan. “Hilarious and surprisingly good.”
Yes, m3gan It is not only a horror movie but also a comedy. A combination of two genres that traditionally have a hard time among self-proclaimed movie connoisseurs. That makes the crazy Rotten Tomatoes score for the new feature all the more remarkable.
Because let’s be honest. After watching the trailer above, did you expect that m3gan would get a Tomatometer score of no less than 98(!) percent after more than 50 ‘professional’ reviews? By the way, we are talking about that horror doll that sparked a viral TikTok meme with her Beyoncé dance.
M3gan: horror movie with a good dose of humor?
The comedic horror film tells a story that on the surface sounds like a tried-and-true cliché. A girl who suffers emotional trauma after losing her parents is given an experimental party doll to help her recover. Only the technology that brings the doll to life has not yet been sufficiently tested and M3gan soon turns into a killer robot.
But unlike the film’s spiritual ancestor (chuckySo there’s also a good dose of humor involved. And critics liked that original cocktail of dark humor and scares.
“It’s only the first week of January or we’ve already found the ultimate villain of 2023.” sounds in a review by Perri Nemiroff, an acclaimed film journalist with her own YouTube channel.
‘Familiar and cool, smart and stupid’
“m3gan it feels familiar and fresh, smart and stupid, completely expected but full of surprises. If you open up, it’s hard not to like the horror movie,” says another. positive review.
but the best reaction op m3gan we keep the last one. “If the human race is going to be wiped out by the supercomputers that dominate the planet, perhaps it would be better if they were clothed four-legged dancers instead of towering Terminators with metal skeletons and laser weapons.” Totally agree.
You’ve probably already heard of the movie thanks to this article on manners. Or do you have the viral TikTok dance of m3gan seen flying on social media.
— . (@monettheitgirl) October 11, 2022
Anyway: the hype is real! m3gan opens in our theaters today (January 5). wondering if he rotten tomatoesscore will remain the same next week? on IMDb the horror film currently receives a rather lukewarm rating of 6.2 out of 10, but given the genre it’s not too bad.
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Beyoncé Dancing Horror Doll Praised By Movie Press: ‘Smart And Stupid’