‘Ferry 2’ review: Netflix’s Dutch gem looks great again

Director: Wannes Destoop | Script: Gerard van de Walle, Tibbe van Hoof | Cast: Frank Lammers (Ferry), Aiko Beemsterboer (Jezebel), Tobias Kersloot (Jeremy), Huub Smit (Dennis), Jonas Smulders (Lex), Marouane Mefta (Steve), Hamza Othman (Dino) ea | Playing time: 94 minutes | Year: 2024
The Ferry Bouman circus is back in town. After the successful series Clandestine and the equally beloved movie Transport Is it there now? ferry 2 the latest addition to the Netherlands’ Netflix crown jewel. Thanks to a clever promotional strategy, this time it even includes a catchy song, King van de Camping. Fortunately, Ferry doesn’t sing it in the film; het zou dan lastiger worden om de martelscenes serieus te nemen.
Bassie and Adrian-Ferry, one scarface-Transport. Once again we see Fer singing Tino Martín and mocking street language one moment, and the next moment shooting six people and roaring angrily like a grizzly bear. Er zijn weer geweldige oneliners (”Ga achter een loket zitten alsjeblieft”) enerzijds, en executies in koelen bloede anderzijds. Omdat ze nooit vlak na elkaar volgen, blijft de circusbeer knap op de bal balanceren.
Het character zelf blijft een beetje een huisvaderfantasie. Ferry, the old fart with a beer belly who is the only one who gets things done and with a big mouth and a firm push he makes everyone dance to his rhythm. Een deel van Ferry’s new crew onthaalt hem dan ook als een beroemdheid. But Ferry throws the phone away before he can take the selfie.
Fer is even more gloomy and melancholic than before. The crime did not pay off and the loss of Danielle takes its toll. There are great scenes where Ferry is dressed as Santa Claus, but the Brabant accent and iconic face are also used for emotional scenes. Lammers also does something special with this.
This also applies to the other roles, which, although thick, are all well played. The most striking is Jonas Smulders as Lex, the villain who becomes more terrifying and interesting with each scene. He disappears in the second act and has very few lines, but he steals every scene.
A newcomer to the Fer universe is Aiko Beemsterboer as Ferry’s niece, Jezebel (whose father was shot to death by Ferry in the previous film). Beemsterboers personage is eigenlijk altijd boos, angstig of verdrietig en dat speelt zij met volle overgave. De grote én kleine rollen laten zien dat het geklaag over Nederlands acteerwerk definitief verleden tijd mag zijn.
However, criticism of the Dutch script is justified. It begins with strong dialogue that suffers from a slow pace and ends exactly the opposite. The story progresses, but the sentences become more confusing, the explanations are too clear and the funny sentences run out. Some stories, like that of the killer, ultimately go nowhere and not all actions make sense. The premise (doing one last job with a new team) is boring and there just isn’t much meat on the bones in that regard.
Dapper was de keuze ook om met een bijna volledig nieuwe cast het vervolg te doen. John and Danielle no longer play a major role and Lars immediately hangs up when Ferry calls. Another star, Camping Zonnedauw, will return, but now in a post-apocalyptic state. Ferry kijkt naar een stapel bouwmaterialen die ooit zijn caravan vormde en slaakt nog eens een diepe zucht. ferry 2 It accumulates as much as it accumulates.
Lex, die goed onder de huid van Ferry weet te kruipen, bijt hem dan ook lachend toe dat hij naar het bejaardentehuis moet. “Drooling over the geraniums.” It remains to be seen whether Bouman’s saga really ends this way or proves as harsh as Lammers’ supermarket ads. But this would be a worthy final performance.
ferry 2 can be seen in netflix.