Review of the Netflix series ‘Cidade Invisivel’ season 2

The second season of this mystical series aims to draw attention to nature conservation.
mystery special series invisible city (‘invisible city’) is about a colorful collection of fairy tale characters based on Brazilian folklore. Much of the series is set in the Amazon region, so the destruction of this beautiful forest as a theme should not be missed. That happens in the second season, but it’s saved for the last one.
The fact that two years have passed since the first season is clearly seen in the actress who plays Luna, who has gone from child to teenager in one fell swoop. Sadly, many of the brilliant characters from the first season are gone, but several new characters are interesting enough to make up for that. For example, there is Débora, who is going through an extremely fascinating development.
However, very little attention is paid to its intriguing story, which also applies to many other events. Everything happens at a fast pace and seems rushed. Where the previous season had seven episodes, the second season only has five and that seems to be the bottleneck. The story would have benefited from more time, so the background about the rainforest, which is only a theme in the last episode, would fit better with the rest.
A lot happens from the first episode and the viewer has to pay attention to keep up with all the events and new characters. He creates a premonition that not all questions will be answered exactly, but this adds to the prevailing magical-realistic feeling. All the magical elements are covered without too much explanation and this gives the story a strong mysterious touch that will please fans of the genre.
No wonder it is mystical. invisible city is based on traditional Brazilian folklore. Tales that spread by word of mouth in Brazil, for example to have well educated children or to explain unwanted pregnancies, have been modernized by the writers Raphael Draccon and Carolina Munhóz. Creator Carlos Saldanha took this and turned it into a beautiful series, which is undoubtedly very recognizable to Brazilians and fascinating to the rest of the world.
The main character Eric has fair skin and blue eyes, and is sometimes called a ‘gringo’ by others (particularly indigenous characters): stranger or foreigner. This will not be a coincidence, since he happens to be the key figure in the discussion about the preservation of the Amazon region. The indigenous population has the most to lose from the deforestation of the forest and the creators clearly want to pay attention to this. This part seems to be located way out of the story and doesn’t really come off right, but of course he means well. Perhaps a future season will explore this in more detail.
invisible city can be seen in Netflix.