Review of the Netflix series ‘Daniel Spellbound’ season 2

Fans of the animated series. bewitched daniel We didn’t have to wait long for the second season. However, the ten new episodes are much grittier than the first season, which was already quite intense. Spoiler alert: someone is really going to die. The ‘suitable for ages six and up’ viewing recommendation appears to have been chosen carelessly. Beware parents!
It’s already clear from the first few episodes that this season is more violent than the first. That in itself is normal, since children’s series tend to grow with the audience. that’s how it became Harry Potter with each film a little more mature and scarier. But the new season of bewitched daniel it appeared very soon after the first, so there is not much need to grow. In fact, there are a surprising number of inappropriate moments in it.
With Daniel banished from the trackers guild and unable to perform his job as a tracker, new character Shakila asks for his help in finding her brother Jayce. Once found, this brother must be strangely convinced that his sister’s life is more important than completing the mission that left him missing. A very dubious character, who nevertheless is included in the group of friends without hesitation. When it later turns out that Jayce doesn’t have pure motives, he’s not surprised.
In episode four, children from the age of six can recapture a new childhood trauma by seeing the death of a minor character, whose face petrifies into a grimace at the The ring who stays in the background for quite some time, only to do a spooky dance at the end. And then poor Daniel has to endure a headbutt in the crotch too. Parents who thought Elsa in Frozen she whispered a little too loud in her famous suggestive quote about the importance of shoe length she certainly won’t be happy about this.
Those who find all this insignificant can enjoy an exciting series that almost reaches the level of the first season thanks to returning characters, Hoagie’s familiar silly jokes, and the same scavenger hunt-like narrative structure. Despite the predictable villain, the story is still exciting. Unfortunately, some logic gets lost in several episodes and the events don’t always make sense. Just like in the first season, there are a lot of magical items to obtain, eventually resulting in a jumble.
After a confused search for, let’s say, something important, a rather touching ending follows. Here the animated series with a very original concept becomes traditional by focusing on the theme of friendship. The end of the story is significantly better than the path leading to it, so only those who think this is worth the new season of bewitched daniel recommended. Of course, taking into account the aforementioned unpleasant for children and frustrating for parents matters.
bewitched daniel can be seen in Netflix.