Where to Watch ‘Y: The Last Man’ Season 1 Episode 6 Online?

Y The Last Man Season 1 Episode 6 is releasing on Monday October 4, 2021 at 12:00 a.m. ET on FX. Episode’s runtime will be 54 minutes. The episode is titled as ‘Weird AI is Dead‘.
Y: The Last Man is an American post-apocalyptic drama television series developed by Eliza Clark for the FX. The first episode of Y: The Last Man premiered in 2021. Till now, it has total of 5 episodes and 1 seasons. First episode of Y: The Last Man premiered on September 13, 2021.
The story is set in a post-apocalyptic world where almost every male has died except for one. It is based Brian K. Vaughan and Pia Guerra’s award-winning comic.
FX users can watch Y The Last Man Season 1 Episode 6 Online by visiting FX’s official site here. Other streaming services where you can watch Episode 6 of Y The Last Man Season 1 online is Hulu (Free Trial).
Spoilers Ahead!!!
Y The Last Man Season 1 Episode 6 Spoilers
This episode is given title “Weird AI is Dead”. We will start our spoiler session with, On their way to San Francisco, Yorick, Agent 355 and Dr. Mann gets into trouble.
FX’s official description for this snag reads, “Yorick, Agent 355 and Dr. Mann hit a snag on their way to San Francisco.”

The second spoiler we have is about Jennifer, she clashes with former cabinet secretary Regina Oliver, who wants to be next President..
The FX’s official description for Jennifer reads as, “As the search for 355 heats up, Jennifer clashes with former cabinet secretary Regina Oliver, who has her eyes on the presidency.”
The FX’s official description for last spoiler says, “Hero is seduced by a charismatic leader, Roxanne, as Sam and Nora grapple with their place in a dangerous group of survivors.”