Jake Gyllenhaal stars in your next favorite war movie

Guy Ritchie has shared a spectacular first trailer for The pact, a notable war film starring Jake Gyllenhaal. A shocking movie… that doesn’t look like Ritchie.
Netflix started the year on a strong note when it comes to war movies. narvik told a true and compelling story about Hitler’s first defeat during World War II. February also brings the necessary violence of war, as recently featured in a new trailer for Ambush.
The Guy Ritchie Pact
But yeah, that’s it on streaming services or digital rentals. Large-scale war movies are still more impressive in the “old-fashioned” way. At the cinema. Fortunately, Guy Ritchie offers solace on that front as well, in the form of a new movie called The pact.
Ritchie, who is now 54 years old, is really strong hit or miss about his movies. Snatch in Lock, stock and two smoking barrels They are two wonderful crime movies from the 90s, which are still worth watching in 2023. It is more recent The Knights it’s also an underrated gem of the detective genre. Maybe that’s the key: Usually when Hollywood casts Guy Ritchie for the biggest movies outside of that genre, the end result is disappointing. Think about King Arthur in Aladdin. From true classics to expensive flops.
military wants revenge
Fortunately, the British director is now working on an impressive one. streak to the best movies. The pact hopefully it will be next. That’s a new war movie opening in theaters on April 21, with Jake Gyllenhaal and Dar Salim in the court roles. Highlight: The film is officially called The Guy Ritchie Pact. SureThe Godfather writes and directs the movie, but it still comes across as somewhat arrogant.
Hopefully I can live up to that attitude. Jake Gyllenhaal plays Sergeant John Kinley, an American who is ambushed while fighting the Taliban. He is rescued by an Afghan interpreter named Ahmed, played by Dar Salim. Kinley manages to survive the mission, but later finds out that Ahmed has to run for his life from him because he helped the American soldier. The sergeant decides to go back. What follows, the first trailer promises, is a sort of revenge thriller meets war movie, action-packed in any case. Bit Brothers bandmaybe.
Surprisingly normal war movie?
All in all, the first images are impressive, although a first trailer obviously says little. that is noticeable right away The pact looks quite… ‘normal’. Guy Ritchie is known for his very distinct and unique visual style, but we don’t see that much here. Well, before you know it it will be April 21st and we can find out if Ritchie will also create a classic in the war genre. Go ahead!
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Jake Gyllenhaal stars in your next favorite war movie