Loved Wednesday! Do you remember other productions about the Addams family?

From time to time, a situation arises when a series on Netflix reaches incredible popularity. And very often this happens with a headline that few people expected. It is difficult to find one answer to what this is connected with, because very often such a huge success consists of several important elements – quality, marketing potential, publicity in social networks, topics, social sentiment, and so on …
The latest phenomenon, whose popularity skyrocketed a few days after the premiere. there is a series “Wednesday”. If the name itself doesn’t tell you much, it’s worth adding – out of journalistic duty – that it’s a spin-off of the popular Addams Family. In this case, we are not focusing on the entire dark family, but only on one of the daughters – the titular Wednesday – who has always been distinguished by a mysterious character.
And given the scale of interest, it is likely that the series will be read by people for whom it will be the first conscious contact with the Addams Family brand. So let me introduce you other productions from this universe that you should definitely pay attention to. If you are new to this – be sure to check it out, and if you are more or less familiar with the dark world, check how well you remember everything!
Halloween with the New Addams Family (1977)
Let’s start with a late 70s production where we could see most of the cast from the series that aired in the 60s. Quite an interesting film, satisfying viewing and even today you can laugh at it. While it doesn’t have the sitcom formula of an episodic production released over a decade ago, there are still plenty of moments where that signature humor just does the trick.
The Addams Family (1964-1966)
This is where it all started on the screen. Two seasons of the family comedy about an unusual family quickly won the hearts of fans around the world, presenting something like no other. In their own way, the sadistic family was able to deliver strange cases in each episode, which the average viewer accepted with laughter (and sometimes with horror).
Addams Family Reunion (1998)
The sequel to the highly acclaimed production of the early ’90s wasn’t welcomed with open arms by fans, but for some, it provided what they were missing – a decent dose of black comedy. On the occasion of “Reunion Years Later” (because that was the title in the Polish version), the entire Addams family gathers for a huge reunion, where many near and far relatives will appear. And this, of course, leads to non-standard situations.
The Addams Family (1973–1975)
It’s time for the first animation on our list! However, if you grew up in the 70s and 80s of the last century, then you know her 100%! It was not a cartoon, like many of the most famous productions of the time, but something completely different. It was brilliantly modeled on the decade-old TV series and offered a great Halloween vibe that just wowed kids all over the world.
The Addams Family: The Animated Series (1992–1993)
And this animation is my childhood, although it debuted before I was born. And here we are also dealing with a series based on the 1960s, albeit in a slightly updated edition and properly adapted for a new audience. However, this is also Gomez, Motisha, Wednesday, Pugsley and many characters from the environment, which we know very well. An extraordinary family struggling with ordinary problems.
The Addams Family 2 (2021)
The last position on the entire list, and at the same time, one that was hard not to hear about. After all, she debuted a year ago and very quickly made itself known thanks to … Pretty average reception in the fan community. As in the first part of 2019, everything was adapted for the youth of the 21st century, but here an even stronger step was taken in this direction, and youth shoes and growing up were chosen as the theme.
The New Addams Family (1998–1999)
At the end of the last century, we also got a very interesting family series in which each episode presented us with some mysterious event from the daily life of the unusual Addams family. Personally, I remember this production very fondly and remember that as soon as I somehow found its broadcast on Jetfix, I watched what was happening there with a smile – although there were many episodes that I avoided.
The Addams Family (2019)
Two points above, I mentioned the continuation of this cartoon, and now it’s time for the continuation itself. Here, the whole thing was presented much better than in the case of the sequel, because, despite the lighter colors and focus on a younger audience, it managed to maintain a mysterious atmosphere and an exciting plot. In principle, even the elderly should have fun – there were many funny moments.
The Addams Family (1991)
For many, this movie from Barry Sonnenfeld is the best we’ve got in the Addams Family theme. And I’m not going to argue with that – I myself have watched this position many times (whether on VHS or on Polish TV as an evening hit), each time getting real pleasure. The Return of the Lost Uncle Fester will appeal to any fan of dark comedies.
Addams Family Values (1993)
It’s not often that a sequel is better than the original, and in this case it was. The best production of the entire ’90s Addams film trilogy served us with the newborn son of the family, as well as a whole series of phenomenal scenes between two older siblings. One way or another, I just want to say that if it were not for this film, perhaps Wednesday itself would not have been created today. I recommend watching it, if possible!