Rachel Hazes After Inheritance Battle André Sr: ‘Roxeanne Knows In Her Heart I Want What’s Best For My Children’ | show

update/meet videoRachel Hazes confronted her daughter Roxeanne in Utrecht court on Thursday afternoon. Roxeanne claims that Rachel is falsely posing as the heiress of folk singer André Hazes, who died in 2004. “She knew very well what she was doing.”
Victor Schildkamp
Last update:
Rachel was present at the Utrecht court on the case. Not the daughter Roxeanne. Initially, the lawyer Maarten Kox read a statement from Roxeanne about her absence. “It is not due to a lack of will, but purely for emotional reasons. I can’t afford to be at the bottom again because of my mother’s behavior… I’m so scared… You may know this has held me hostage for months. This is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do in my life. After eighteen years, everyone here has a right to know the truth about my father’s estate.
The case was brought not only by Roxeanne, but also by Robert Israël, the man who was the trustee of the will after Hazes senior’s death in September 2004. Israel also attended the meeting. Why all these years later he comes up with inheritance claims that wouldn’t have been properly arranged, he baffled Rachel as well. In early 2018, she allegedly said that “she owns 100 percent of everything,” she said.
“André sr. and Rachel were in divorce”
According to Roxeanne and her lawyers, the folk singer’s will contained a special clause, namely that Rachel would not inherit anything if she had separated from André Sr. or if divorce proceedings had been initiated; the latter would have been the case. That would mean that only her children are entitled to the inheritance.
Attorney Kox said in court Thursday afternoon that Rachel had filed for divorce at that time and later dropped it, however: Not before, but a few months after Andre Sr.’s death, he knew exactly what I was doing. Just a few days after Hazes’ death, she registered as a director of the BV”.
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In a long and convoluted tale, Roxeanne’s two lawyers (Maarten Kox and Maarten Russchen) then went on to explain how cleverly Rachel Hazes became an heiress and earns tons of money every year. “And Roxeanne doesn’t want her childhood photos in books and her private photos in movies.”
They also feel that Rachel has not been honest about what debts there would be at that time and about the total assets that could be divided. Kox: “Van Galen (Kox invariably uses Rachel’s maiden name, ed.) has always erroneously claimed that there were debts at the time.” Roxeanne and her brother André were still young children at the time. Roxeanne demands access to all documents and also demands that her mother no longer enter into agreements as her father’s heir.
Too bad Roxeanne isn’t here to answer questions.
The other side, of course, sees it differently. The entire Hazes estate would be divided in 2005, with Rachel getting ‘all the assets’ and managing the rights to music, books, stage shows and whatnot. That is her work to this day. Roxeanne and André Jr., who were still minors at the time, received a claim on her share of the estate. The impending divorce now being fought by her daughter Roxeanne and her lawyers had already been finalized before Andre Sr. passed away.
“As a daughter, Roxeanne knows this very well, of course,” said Rachel’s lawyer, Royce de Vries. “It’s a shame I’m not here to answer questions about that.” De Vries cited, among other things, a performance by André Sr. Barend and Van Dorp in April 2004 in which he shows another tattoo of Rachel’s. According to De Vries, this whole procedure seems to have arisen because Roxeanne “just doesn’t want to understand” the documents about the inheritance.
‘His suffering is entertainment for the Netherlands’
Rachel’s second lawyer, Annemiek van Spanje, said Rachel has received a lot because the opposing party “communicates through the entertainment press.” “All kinds of unsubstantiated claims are being made. The suffering of her is entertainment for the Netherlands ”.
Rachel said in her final words that she hopes “it’s clear to Roxeanne” after today. “Deep in her heart, she knows that I always wanted the best for my children.”
The preliminary investigation judge in Utrecht will rule on February 23.
band tired for a long time
Roxeanne and Rachel have had a rocky relationship for some time, but it hit a low point last year when the singer Dear singers he told how he had to miss his mother immediately after his father’s death. Roxeanne was only 11 years old at the time. “Just when you need her so much. She would take a picture of my mom and dad with me every night and she would tell him crying, ‘Please, she comes back.’”

Who’s who within the Hazes family and their loved ones? Check it out in our interactive guide below. The story then continues.
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