Reviews of the Disney+ series ‘Lambert vs. Lambert: In the Name of Vincent’

This documentary allows everyone to have their opinion without hindrance, so that it is clear which field was the right one.
Writer Mark Twain had several quotes about lack of knowledge and intelligence, one of which is “It is better to remain silent and appear a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.” Every day on social media, Wappies prove how true this is by talking about things they don’t understand, but are too proud to admit they’re wrong. Lambert vs. Lambert: In the name of Vincent gives the floor without judging everyone involved in the central euthanasia case, resulting in a pleasant lack of noise.
In 2008, Frenchman Vincent Lambert ended up in a coma after a car accident. He woke up from it, but as a greenhouse plant, something his wife, as head nurse, was able to wrap up immediately. However, the experts went in and came up with the same diagnosis. However, Vincent’s religious mother thinks otherwise, making this a famous legal case that will keep Vincent “alive” for a long time.
In quotes, because are you really alive when you can’t talk or otherwise communicate, you can’t move, eat, read a book, watch TV, sleep with someone, parent your child? Organic: yes. Valuable, or even functional life: no. Vincent knew this, especially after he trained as a nurse and had to take care of these types of patients. He was very clear about it: if it ever happens to you, end it.
Lambert vs. Lambert Fair enough. Vincent’s wife, Rachel, makes the bizarre decision to let the doctors finish the treatment without informing the rest of the family. The people who will assist her later indicate that they do not understand this to this day. This series doesn’t answer that either, but it’s a huge inconvenience for Rachel.
However, eventually it turns out to belong to the right camp, because the opponents are many times worse. It begins with his parents, especially his mother, fighting to keep his beloved son alive. Because that’s what her religion says about her. Above all, don’t use your mind, don’t listen to your own child’s words, and pretend that someone is lying in the hospital bed and has a rich life.
It seems? Vincent exists because his parents conceived him during an affair, when they were both still married to other people. He just goes to the confessional, a few prayers and this sin is forgiven. When they are a family, they move into a house where there is no room for Vincent, who then has to sleep like Harry Potter in a cramped space under the stairs.
They take him to a Catholic boarding school, where a priest sexually assaults him. According to his mother, the man has confessed to him and Vincent has indicated that he does not want to do anything. So they left it at that, these loving parents. The documentary puts it in a more neutral tone than I do, but as a neutral viewer, you can’t draw any honest conclusions other than that this is another common hypocrisy of believers.
The psyche of young adult Vincent also fits well with this past: a man who can’t shake a feeling of undesirability, someone who flirts with death by driving so recklessly that others would rather not get in his car. But yeah, is that the correct driving behavior for someone who has a child of their own? The documentary is sincere about this too: it doesn’t sound like a responsible person or a sweetheart.
But there is much more to this series, packed with conversations, not just about the ethics of euthanasia: who has the most right to decide, should a patient be abused in a legal battle (in which lawyers pretend to be involved). . but in principle to squeeze every last drop out of a dairy cow), how easily can you manipulate and incite a group, what does ‘the people’ have to do with a private matter and can you simply threaten to kill doctors?
It’s all there. Some of the weaker moments are the ones where certain things are brought up but not explained. Like when Vincent’s parents share a video of his mom feeding him, but calling him Jerome once. Or a brief hint that the accident may very well have been a suicide attempt.
Anyway, in this case it is clear who was wrong. Because someone who is right does not need to rely on lies to prove it. And also, this documentary reminds us once again how important it is to have your own wishes on paper. The last thing a doctor wants is to end someone’s life, but it helps if that’s what the patient wanted, regardless of what the angry crowd thinks.
Lambert vs. Lambert: In the name of Vincent can be seen in Disney+.