Where to Watch ‘FBI’ Season 4 Episode 3?

FBI Season 4 Episode 3 is releasing on Tuesday October 5, 2021 at 8:00 p.m. ET . Episode’s runtime will be 60 minutes. The episode is titled as ‘Trauma‘.
FBI is an American crime drama television series created by Dick Wolf and Craig Turk for CBS. The first episode of ‘FBI’ aired on September 25, 2018. In March 2021, it was renewed for fourth season, FBI Season 4 premiered on September 21, 2021 Till now, it has total of 58 episodes and 4 seasons.
F.B.I. is a scripted drama about the inner workings of the New York office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
CBS users can watch ‘FBI’ Season 4 Episode 3 Online by visiting creator’s official site here. Other streaming services where you can watch ‘FBI’ Season 4 Episode 3 are FuboTV and DirecTV. You can also stream Episode 3 of FBI Season 4 Online on Spectrum OnDemand.

Spoilers Ahead!!!
FBI Season 4 Episode 3 Spoilers
This episode’s title is “Trauma”.
The official spoiler description for this episode is, “After the team finds a connection between bombings at government agencies and a private veterans’ club in New York City, Isobel tells OA to recruit his former Army buddy, Chris, for intel since he spends time at the club. However, knowing the difficulty soldiers like Chris often face returning to civilian life, OA is reluctant to follow orders.”