Did you find a new James Bond? The Kingsman star shares a major update

Daniel Craig in his latest James Bond film No Time to Die
(Image: EON)
One moment, the production company behind the James Bond movies indicates that the search for Daniel Craig’s successor hasn’t even begun, the next moment, the race is suddenly over. At least if we kingstar Taron Egerton has to believe.
Daniel Craig is done with the James Bond franchise after five movies. already later Spectrum indicated in clear language that heavy recordings were really not worth the trouble anymore. A technical fabrication of the story ensured that the British actor still decided to return for one last film.
Who will be the next James Bond?
while craig make more money than ever on Netflix, the producers behind the Bond franchise are busy looking for a successor. Barbara broccoli and company. I want to take it easy, because this is a crucial moment. The chance to shape the next ten, twenty years of 007. Will the next Bond be a woman? No, Broccoli has already made that clear. But who will be the next James Bond?
We have seen many candidates pass by over the years. Bookies and so-called experts make it almost a science to predict who the next 007 will be, supplemented by strong, weak and absurd rumors from the gossip channels and the British press. Some names keep coming up, including Idris Elba. However, he now has his own Bond franchise with the new Luther movie, and even recently opted out of the role. No, you can drop that name. Unfortunately.

aaron taylor johnson
Another big name that has been at the top of the bookmaker lists, especially recently, is Aaron Taylor-Johnson. With his action experience in movies like Bullet train in Kick asshis age (32 years) and his good aspect seems like the perfect candidate to succeed Daniel Craig in the iconic film franchise.
Earlier this year, Britain’s The Sun even reported that the actor had already auditioned for the role and that the producers thought it was fantastic. “Aaron did a screen test for the next Bond in September and the producers loved it. He now he is one of the favorites ”.
Since then, Taylor-Johnson has topped every chart bet runner, and according to a French juice channel, it’s only a matter of weeks for Barbara Broccoli and co. going to introduce him to the world as the new James Bond.
Kingsman Star Drops Update
A new interview with Taron Egerton, an audience favorite for the role, seems to underscore that the race may already be on. During the promotion of his new tetrismovie, the actor was, of course, asked if he would be the next Bond. His response was shocking: “Okay. I mean, I think they’ve already found someone, and it’s not me.”
Has the new James Bond really been secretly chosen? Maybe, but take Egerton’s comment with a grain of salt. After the interviewer in question asked, the kingactor who was never part of the entire career: “They never asked about me. I’ve just never been one of the guys who are watching.”
Beyond love: the star of Star Wars was almost the new James Bond

not the right person
He indicated that he didn’t feel like the “right person” for the role of 007. “I think there are many, many, many better candidates for that role than me,” he explained. “But, you know, I like being in the audience! They are brilliant movies.” So maybe the actor, like all of us, is simply relying on hearsay and speculation, and he didn’t draw his conclusion based on that. internal knowledge.
Where, after the Egerton interview, the British tabloids have already turned their eyes entirely on Aaron Taylor-Johnson and the odd of the 32-year-old actor skyrocketed even higher, we advise you not to jump to conclusions too soon. Bond producer Barbara Broccoli indicated last month that she is much less in the process than everyone thinks: “No, we haven’t even started casting yet. There isn’t even a script yet,” Broccoli said. A lie to fool the press, or should we really be patient much longer than initially expected? To be continued!
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Did you find a new James Bond? The Kingsman star shares a major update