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One of the best horror movies ever made is only on Netflix.

movie news – Sometimes it’s hard to find something in the wide range of the various streaming services. We have found a number of sublime movies for you and occasionally highlight one for you.

If you are a horror fan, you are in the right place. We have found a silent but powerful option for you that you really need to see.

In 2018 came the horror movie. A peaceful place to theaters for the first time. The ninety-minute movie doesn’t contain much text or sound, but this is for a very good reason.

as quiet as a mouse

In this horror film we follow a family that goes through life insidiously, silently and gesticulating. The slightest sound can deliver them to mysterious creatures that hunt by ear.

Fully aware that even a step, a movement or a whisper can kill, Evelyn and Lee try to find a way to protect their children at all costs and defeat their lurking enemies. Together they try to get the best of him and survive.

Direction and cast

John Krasinski not only plays one of the main roles, but he is also the director of the film. He is most proud of a tweet author Stephen King posted about the movie, “‘A Quiet Place’ is an extraordinary piece of work. Great acting, but what matters most is the SILENCE, and how the camera’s eye opens wide in a way few films ever can.”.

In 2021 Krasinski also released a book, ‘A Quiet Place: Making of a Silent World’ in which he writes about making the film and you can see a lot of pictures. In addition to Krasinski, we see his wife, Emily Blunt, Millicent Simmonds, Noah Jupe and Cade Woodward in the film.

Chillingly good concept

The movie does well on IMDb and gets a good rating of 7.5/10. Tommykonijn has this to say about it A peaceful place on the MovieMeter site where the film gets a score of 3.41/5. “A nice thriller. I saw ‘The Silence’ about two years ago, so I wasn’t familiar with the concept. I think ‘A Quiet Place’ is more successful in almost every way. The movie is very atmospheric and the threat is by therefore, very palpable”.

On Rotten Tomatoes, the film has a score of 83% from audiences and a very good 96% from critics. “‘A Quiet Place’ is a film that will satisfy horror fans, but its family drama also gives it a broader appeal. Either way, it’s a quietly chilling experience you won’t soon forget.”said one of the reviewers.

on netflix

Did you get excited about this horror movie? Look then join Netflix or add it to your watchlist for a later time.

Ritika Prasher

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