See Season 2 Episode 7 spoilers: ‘The Queen’s Speech’

Hey, ‘See‘ fans. We hope you guys totally enjoyed how See Season 2 unfolds in ‘The Truth about Unicorns’ episode. Now it’s time for next episode, we are back on here to give you guys the spoiler rundown for what’s coming up in the next, new episode 7 of See’s current season 2, which is due to arrive next Friday, October 7, 2021 at 12 a.m. ET on Apple TV+.
We were able to get our hands on a couple of new, official teaser descriptions for the new episode 7 via Apple TV’s official episode 7 press release. So, we’re going to take a look at those right now. Let’s do it.
First thing’s first. Apple TV’s press release let us know that this new episode 7 does indeed have an official title. The writers have named it, “The Queen’s Speech.”
It sounds like episode 7 will feature some possible dramatic, intense, emotional and interesting scenes as Sibeth will be almost executed. Tamacti Jun will accuse Queen Sibeth Kane of destroying Kanzua and attempting to kill him. After betrayal by Tamacti, all the witchfinders will side with him.
Sibeth being an older sister of Maghra, sought her help, not realizing her own sister has given up own her. Fearing a coup, she let army take the matter. Harlan (Tom Mison) intervenes this coup and declare Pennsa’s help for Maghra.
Maghra being the new Payan Queen, ordered for Sibeth’s execution. While he was about to, her pregnancy could be revealed. As Sibeth have more role to play. We don’t think this episode will be end of him. Speech of new Payan’s Queen would be most anticipated thing of the entire episode. Giving her army the reason why to fight for her, getting their motivation up to the par.
This episode will surely leave you with goosebumps and chills running through every body part. Don’t miss it.