TV Shows

This historical action series on Netflix is ​​a must-watch if you like clashes with heavy medieval weapons.

Brutal times, a ruthless enemy and turbulent upheavals, the adaptation of this book series turned out to be epic.

Bernard Cornwell is a British writer best known for his series of historical books. ‘The Saxon Stories’ is a series made up of no less than thirteen books and is set in the Early Middle Ages. This epic about the origins of England was adapted by the BBC and Netflix the last kingdom. The series ran for seven seasons between 2015 and 2022 and consists of 46 episodes. The story was completed with the movie. Seven kings must die in 2023.

the last kingdom It was edited by Stephen Butchard. The main roles are played by Alexander Dreymon, Tobias Santelmann, Emily Cox, Thomas W. Gabrielsson, Joseph Millson, Rune Temte and Matthew Macfadyen.

Highly rated

The series has received high ratings and both critics and audiences responded positively. On Rotten Tomatoes, critics give it a 91% and the audience rating is almost perfect with a score of 95%. Particular praise is given to the cinematography, realism and action scenes. The result is a historical drama that is somewhat reminiscent of the iconic vikings. This is not surprising considering that both series overlap in terms of historical period. the last kingdom generally adheres better to historical events than vikingseven though the main character is fictional.

The story is set in the Early Middle Ages (500 – 1000 AD), a period that offers a resounding amount of material for solid historical action. The context of the series is the origins of England, which did not always go smoothly. This was only the case in the 7th century. seven kingdomsin the area that largely overlaps with contemporary England. These were known as Saxon kingdoms and had their own rulers.

Historical role

the last kingdom It is set a little later, in the bloodthirsty 9th century: in those turbulent times quite an effort was made. The Normans, also called Vikings, carried out ruthless attacks, conquered territories and plundered everywhere. These violent events caused the loss of land and lives. King Alfred ruled the kingdom of Wessex. He fought, among other things, against the Normans and their relentless attacks and conquests. He finally managed to reach an agreement with the opponents, which They obtained their own territory, called ‘the Danelaw’. His role cannot be underestimated and in history he is known as Alfred the Great. The series stars King Alfred (David Dawson) as a fictional version of himself.

The main character of the series is Uhtred, played by Alexander Dreymon. Uhtred is an invention of Cornwell, but based on a historical character. However, the “real Uhtred” lived after the time in which the series takes place and had a different life course. The fictional Uhtred is the son of a Saxon king, whose family is massacred by the Normans. Their leader adopts Uhtred as a child and raises him and his childhood friend Brida (Emily Cox) as Northmen. Uhtred grows up and wants to help King Alfred of Wessex defend his homeland. However, he must find a balance between his origins and the culture in which he grew up. the last kingdom in Seven kings must die you can watch it on Netflix.

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