Bodies on Netflix: plot and cast of the series with Shira Haas

twheels of the homonym graphic novel by SI Spencer published in 2015, Bodies is a science fiction detective series made up of eight episodes of approximately one hour. A very well-crafted disturbing story, which unlike other products is destined to remain engraved in your memory.

bodies, the plot: the same crime in 4 different times
TO London, in the East End, The same body is found, in four different times: 1890, 1941, 2023 and 2053. There are no signs on his body that would allow him to be identified, there are no traces of weapons and nothing was found around him.
Four detectives, two men and two women, one for each of the four periods., they must investigate to find out who the murderer is. In trying to understand what links the various crimes, investigators discover that the clues that emerge lead to a named political leader. Elias Mannix (Stephen Graham). It is suspected that this man had something to do with the murder.
The four corpses and the four investigations
The first part of the series takes place in 2023: Shahara Hasan (Amaka Okafor) chases a boy with a gun into an alley where he finds a body hit in the eye with a gun. The body is naked with a tattoo. The scene returns 1941, in the middle of World War II. Qui, Karl Whiteman (Jacob Fortune-Lloyd) He tries to escape the German air attack but when fleeing he finds a naked body with a tattoo and a mark in the eye, probably from a gunshot.
Shira Haas is Detective Iris Maplewood. (Netflix).
With another jump back we move on to 1890. Pigeon Edmond Hillingheadexcellently performed by Kyle SollerHe is an intellectual detective who finds a corpse with a gunshot wound to the eye and a mysterious tattoo. Leap forward, 2053. What will Iris Maplewood (the Shira Haas of Heterodox), Visit a forbidden place? Naturally a naked body.
Kyle Soller (DI Hillinghead) Jacob Fortune-Lloyd (DS Whiteman), Amaka Okafor (Hasan) Shira Haas (Maplewood) (Netflix).
Bodies: a story full of twists and turns and an excellent cast
The series, created by Paul Tomalin directed by Marco Kreuzpaintner in Haolu Wanga clever mix of crime fiction and science fiction. It was filmed in Leeds and Yorkshire (filming in London, where the story takes place, would have been very expensive). It is a story that takes you on a journey through time but keeps you grounded and in suspense (even with quite bloody scenes): The four temporal planes slowly intersect, the turns follow one after another, The story becomes complicated and requires great attention.
Kyle Soller (DI Hillinghead) and Emily Barber (Kathleen) in a scene from the series (Netflix).
The success of the eight episodes is also guaranteed by a group of impeccable actors. In addition to Amaka Okaforthere’s the Emmy nominee Shira Haas by Heterodoxthe winner Olivier Kyle Sóller AwardSAG Award winner Stephen Graham my Jacob Fortune-Lloyd (one of the protagonists of The Queen of Chess).
Yo four characters are very original and well constructedDetermined and determined detectives, but at the same time vulnerable and subject to manipulation. The villain of the series is also drawn in an interesting and unusual way.
Each of the eras is represented with different visual modules, all characterized by the utmost care in the detail of the costumes and sets and by a high and refined aesthetic level. Particularly beautiful are the chapters set in 1890 and 2053. Bodies It has a story to enjoy, possibly without distractions, and is a real pleasure to behold.