Classic or one-hit wonder? The podcast ‘There You Stay Home’ will find out for you

Media journalist Ron Vergouwen and media expert Bjorn Bouwens dive into the history of Dutch TV shows together.
honeymoon quiz
We’ve seen game shows come and go, but there are always shows that stick around. Good or bad.
For example Ron’s Honeymoon Quiz, a legendary contest in which Ron Brandsteder pitted newlywed couples against each other for a lavish honeymoon. The popular contest took place between 1987 and 1996.
Who would have thought that Robert ten Brink By travestishow would you present?
This happened in 1995. rupa It may have put drag racing on the map, but Ten Brink was ahead of its time with this show. Or was it just entertainment?
Of travestisshow follows several men who will transform from an average househusband into a woman and then perform an act. Therefore, he is not very ‘woke’ in 1995.
Soap opera series also pass. For example west medical center. Was that the first Dutch soap opera? Or was it more of a drama series?
All kinds of social issues were raised in the soap opera, but the show could also be compared to a medical soap opera.
And who knows Golden Coast still? For years a great rival of Good and bad times. This episode also calls on actor Filip Bolluyt and actress Gepke Witteveen, who starred in the series for years.
bart de graff
Bart de Graaff remains an icon. The founder of the BNN station (Bart’s Neverending Network) died too early from kidney disease.
However, he managed to make his mark on the television scene. With programs like teringtubbiesa parody of the Teletubbies, The stalk show and of course What can I wake you up for at night? De Graaff continued to push the limits.
Or programs like The stalk showin which De Graaff followed Dutch celebrities to give them gifts, could still be asked today is the question.
head nails
There is also a discussion of parody, and in particular the king of parody shows: head nailswhich ran from 1995 to 2005.
Jack Spijkerman and his cabaret group, consisting of Thomas van Luyn, Mike Boddé, Erik van Muiswinkel and many others, closed the program every week with cabaret.
This started at the table, like a talk show. In later seasons, guests stayed at a differently themed bar each week.
By the way, Owen Schumacher and Paul Groot, the later kofnoen would do.
head nails ran, so programs like kofnoen in steel wire it could work.
The reality series is of course not to be missed. The first season of idols For example. You have written a great story by Dutch standards.
In Eldest brother, the first reality series that divided the Netherlands to the bone: you loved it, or you thought it was disgusting. wherever you were Eldest brother it was at the beginning of the reality series in the Netherlands.
Many programs, including for example the strange The golden cagefrom Talpa, I would follow him.
that’s why you stayed home appears once or twice a month Spotify, Apple Podcasts and other podcast apps.