DC Gives Joker and Harley Quinn a Crazy New Look

(Image: Warner Bros.)
The Joker and Harley Quinn are back with a whole new anime look thanks to Isekai Suicide Squadin which DC villains face tanks, knights and… dragons?
Virtually every recent live-action superhero movie of late has been disappointing. Marvel Studios has been handy since the great Avengers Endgame clumsy and DC just has the new beginning that James Gunn is working on as a light at the end of the tunnel. meanwhile is The flash still pulling hard. And then we haven’t even mentioned the CGI that is frankly unfinished in more recent superhero movies.
Superheroes shine in animation
Fortunately, we still have animation. The production of Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse also happened not exactly flawless, but at least it was a fantastic movie. Forget those live-action movies: Spider-Verse has already proven twice that animation is the ideal medium for adapting comics. The visual freedom and diversity that animation offers is a perfect fit for comics.
Add to that the recent success of the fantastic anime series. Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Come on, a Netflix adaptation of the video game cyberpunk 2077, and it is not surprising that American studios are also increasingly betting on animation, even when it comes to adult stories. Something they’ve been doing for decades in Japan, of course: while in the West we usually only get cartoons for adults, Japanese studios have been telling dark and deadly serious stories in animation form. There is much less a medium for children.

Isekai Suicide Squad
Anyway, let’s get back to the vicissitudes of DC Studios’ superheroes. Warner Bros. has learned its lessons from recent international animeboom and the success of programs like Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. During the Anime Expo conference, the studio revealed a new project this week: Isekai Suicide Squad. An action series from the Japanese studio behind, among other things, the mega-hits attack on titan in Spy x Family.
The short first trailer immediately gives us a glimpse of the anime versions of Harley Quinn and the Joker. The reason ‘Isekai’ is in the name is also immediately clear. Both iconic DC characters are already transported to other worlds in the trailer. How and why we will probably only find out when Isekai Suicide Squad comes out.
Bad news
And with that you also immediately have the bad news: Warner Bros. has yet to announce a release date. For the moment we will only have to settle for the short trailer. Hopefully we’ll hear more soon, and after The Witcher, Star Wars, and Cyberpunk 2077, Suicide Squad will be the umpteenth Western franchise to successfully launch in an anime jacket.

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DC Gives Joker and Harley Quinn a Crazy New Look