Mare Fuori 4: previews of the new episodes and when it will premiere on Rai 2

land footage of Sea Out 4 They are finished and the debut is approaching. The launch of the series in rai 2 and the broadcast is expected on RaiPlay inearly 2024but the clamor around the phenomenon does not cease. The first two episodes of the new season. premiered at the 2023 Rome Film Festival and the cast was greeted by a rapt audience.

Sea Out 4previews of the new episodes.
The fourth season of the series produced by Rai Fiction and Picomedia focuses on some of the protagonists. Specifically, above Rosa, Carmine, Mimmo, Kubra, Doberman, Cucciolo and Micciarella. Each of them is forced to navigate the open sea, without the lifeline that their natural family represents or that they have built over the years. And while they’re busy staying afloat, they face a wide range of fears.
Within the walls of Nisida prison they can count on the people closest to them. However, the balance has been imbalanced for some time now and they clash with their companions. who have not yet cut the umbilical cord. In fact, family ties are still affected. Among all, Cardiotrap, Edoardo, Giulia, Pino and Silvia. Plus, almost everyone is an adult and has to deal with it.
It is not an easy path, because each choice requires a significant dose of courage. And those who do not choose are forced to succumb to those of others. While he attempted to delineate his character, They run into Sofia Durante, the new director, upright, severe and not very talkative. and the granting of a second chance. Hard line leads to inevitable clashnot without consequences.
“Mare Fuori 4”, Artem and Massimiliano Caiazzo. (Sabrina Cirillo)
The actors in the cast.
At the end of last season, viewers said goodbye to some of the protagonists. Among all, Filippo and Naditza, played respectively by Nicolas Maupas and Valentina Romani. Sea Out 4 is preparing to focus attention on some of the characters who entered the third chapter.
Certainly the female protagonist is Rosa Ricci, played by María Esposito. His story with Carmine (Massimiliano Caiazzo) will continue throughout the new episodes., not only because of the romantic implications, but also because of the implications that arise from their love. Carmine, in fact, is the son of Donn Wanda Di Salvo (Pia Lanciotti), who fights with Salvatore Ricci (Gennaro Della Volpe aka Raiz).
Then there’s Edoardo Conte (Matteo Paolillo), who wakes up from a coma after being brought to the brink of death by Salvatore Ricci. And who knows if he will finally choose between Carmela (Giovanna Sannino) and Teresa (Ludovica Coscione). Above all, who knows if for the first time she will consider the possibility of redemption or if she will continue to embrace crime, even at the cost of paying with her own life. So there they are Pino (Artem) and Kubra (Kyshan Wilson), soon in crisis also because of its proximity to Doberman (Enrico TidjanI). The latter, then, fin a group with Cucciolo (Francesco Panarella) and Micciarella (Giuseppe Pirozzi)willing to create havoc to obtain command of Nísida.
Still, Cardiotrap (Domenico Cuomo), Giulia aka Crazy J (Clara Soccini), Silvia (Clotilde Esposito), Mimmo (Alessandro Orrei) and Milos (Antonio D’Aquino) will each face their own demons.. To watch over everyone, Commander Massimo (Carmine Recano), Sofia (Lucrezia Guidone) and Beppe (Vincenzo Ferrera). Among the new entries, Alina, played by Yeva Sai.
“Mare Fuori 4”, Pia Lanciotti (Donna Wanda) and Carmine Recano (Massimo) in a scene from the first episode. (Sabrina Cirillo)
Sea Out 4the red carpet of the 2023 Rome Film Festival
The director and the actors were present on the red carpet of the Rome Film Festival, except Matteo Paolillo, Clara Soccini, Kyshan Wilson and Artem. The audience gave them a truly stellar welcome.
“I’m very excited. I’m here and I feel like I’m dreaming,” he said. María Espósito, hailed as a true queen. His alter ego has conquered everyone since the first episode of the third season and is now reaping the rewards.
Even for Antonio D’Aquino the emotion is “incredible. “It’s my first red carpet, my legs are shaking.” Carmine Recano says he is amazed by the massive presence of fans. “There are so many people that we didn’t expect such a warm response.” In the end, Beppe Ferrera highlights the mix between film and television. «It’s the film festival and it’s the clamor for Out to sea that brings all this here. We feel very honored,” she declares.