HBO’s Most Underrated Hit Gets 100% From Last Season

This weekend kicks off the final months of HBO’s biggest monster hit since game of Thrones. And in stark contrast to the fading fantasy series, the latest season also scores with every critic under the sun. Succession Haven’t seen it yet? So, oddly enough, you are not the only one in the Netherlands.
Crickets on this shore of the Atlantic Ocean. Not a Dutch rooster to crow, let alone look at him. However she succeeded Succession almost immediately cycling to a Merckxian lead in today’s undulating squad of gray TV mediocrity.
Forget dragon house, The last of us in the mandalorian. From Shakespeare’s rants to Homeric homilies; this Greek tragicomedy of a hit HBO series effortlessly dwarfs any kind of petty competition, on every level.
On the other hand, interspersed with banalities created solely to artificially hold the viewer’s attention, Succession It doesn’t take split action, thrilling sex, or special effects to keep you captivated. Not an ounce of fat. Mere steel-hard muscles pounding at you again and again, episode after episode, with cinematic and rhetorical stupor. Are there superlatives?
Succession Season 4 Gets 100 Percent Complete
Based on 35 tentative reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, yes. From its start in 2018 to its bittersweet end in the coming months, HBO’s monster hit has really only had one sound.
Also in the case of the fourth and final season of Succession deafening applause resounds almost without exception in the hypothetical movie theater. Witness the incredibly perfect scoring of 100 percent.
“Few series smoothly alternate peaks of pure comedy with moments of deep seriousness like Succession. Soon it will feel like the really good series is finally coming out of the tube,” the review read. indiewire.
“Shakespearean Tragedy”
“A daring final act to this Shakespearean tragedy. Audiences will speculate whether the title will ultimately live up to it, but just heed the age-old warning from the playwright himself: Those violent crimes have violent endings“, sounds in yet another review of the fourth season of the HBO series.
Also the film critic of Observer he can’t get around the ubiquitous Bard. “The details hardly matter: we are here for the stab in the back, the infighting, and the long series of obscenities that remind us that if Shakespeare were to write today, he would probably be writing for Succession would do.”
Even the intellectual circles of NY, where Broadway theater is a part of the daily bread, elevate the final canvas of the series to heavenly art. “The fourth and final season of Succession is a shining example of the best qualities of long form narrativeand television in particular.
The fourth and final season of Succession can be seen with us on HBO Max, starting Monday, March 27.
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HBO’s Most Underrated Hit Gets 100% From Last Season